The Wit & Wisdom of Brian Clough

Compiled By Duncan Hamilton

"You can split footballers into two categories. There were those who 'can play' and those who 'can't'. You'll be surprised by how many people can't tell the difference. Some of them are managers." Brian Clough is a legend, and legends utter many many great phrases. Some of his wit can be laughed off and then dismissed, but some of his observations stand the test of time.

The Wit & Wisdom of Brian Clough is an excellent and entertaining read. Author Duncan Hamilton spent over a decade at Clough's side, as the Sports Reporter for the Nottingham Evening Post. Clough knew how to use the press and he took Hamilton into his confidence. The result is a book all football fans should love, with classics such as, "If any footballer is under the illusion that a manager's job is NOT to replace him with someone better, then he has not been properly educated" and "People will tell you that Brian Clough is a young man in too big a hurry. And people are right." Hamilton has complied a book packed full of these. It's a great light read and not one to be missed.