Monday, 19th April 2010

According to BBC Sport, a meeting will take place today to discuss possible solutions to Wembley’s highly criticised pitch. Work is currently being done to lay down the national stadium’s 11th surface since 2007, after the field was badly cut up during the FA Cup semi-finals.

“This really is crunch time now, the FA (Football Association) and Wembley simply have to find a solution to this problem," said BBC Sport correspondent Dan Roan. "That 11th new pitch is a short-term solution to a long-term problem."

The FA, the consultants who oversee Wembley groundstaff and the Institute of Groundsmanship are all due to attend today’s meeting. Many have claimed that the combined £1M used for the ten previous unsuccessful pitches can be blamed to the simple overuse of the debt-ridden stadium, an issue that will undoubtedly be tackled in the day’s agenda.


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