An unnamed third Premier League have joined West Ham and Crystal Palace in the transfer chase for Lille midfielder Ibrahim Amadou on deadline day, according to Sky Sports News HQ.

Amadou has been tipped to leave the Ligue 1 club in the winter window to ease some of the financial pressure on Lille, who are in need of funds to balance their books by the end of the night.

The midfielder has been put on the market but Lille are only interested in selling him and have already rejected bids from West Ham and Palace for the 24-year-old.

And it seems the competition for Amadou’s signature is only going to become more intense as another Premier League side, as yet unnamed, have joined the mix.

A third unnamed Premier League club are looking to edge out the Hammers and the Eagles in the chase for the defensive midfielder on deadline day.  


While it is unclear whether they have made a bid, the unnamed club are believed to be serious competition for West Ham and Crystal Palace in their pursuit of the Lille midfielder.

It has been claimed that the club are a bigger and more attractive proposition in England than West Ham or Crystal Palace.

Lille want funds from Amadou’s sale and are waiting for an offer good enough to convince them to sell him on deadline day.