Zaha is a free agent this summer after his contract with Crystal Palace expired at the end of last month.


The winger has an offer on his table to re-join the Eagles ahead of the new season but he has been keen to continue assessing other options.



Clubs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia have tabled lucrative offers to snap up Zaha on a free transfer.


But the attacker is yet to make a call and according to Turkish outlet Sport Digitale, the delay in his decision-making process is now a source of frustration for his suitors.



The clubs wanting him, including Crystal Palace, have been left irritated by the way the saga has dragged on for several weeks.


They have been left unimpressed by the player’s constant shifting of the goalposts when it comes to his demands.



His suitors are also not happy with the indecisiveness Zaha has shown throughout the process this summer.