Monday, 9th August 2010

Before the week is out, Juventus and Wolfsburg will have met to discuss Edin Dzeko and Diego according to reports from Italy. While the Old Lady are keen to do a deal which sends Diego to Germany and brings Dzeko to Turin, they may settle for simply selling the Brazilian.

Juventus are expected to push for a deal which would see Diego and Dzeko swapped and a cash balance being paid to the Germans. However, Wolfsburg may resist the sale of their Bosnian striker. In that event Juventus would be happy just to sell Diego as the feeling in Turin is that the Brazilian will not fit into the formation coach Luigi Delneri wishes to adopt this season.

The 25-year-old Diego has struggled since his move to Juventus from Werder Bremen and whilst his stock has fallen in Serie A, it remains high in the Bundesliga.



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