Friday, 10th September 2010

John Toshack has stood down as Wales national team coach, but it is not immediately clear who might replace him. The 61-year-old had wanted to lead Wales into their next two qualification games in October against Bulgaria and Switzerland. However, the defeat to Montenegro has convinced the former Real Madrid manager to stand down.

The Welsh FA said in a statement: "The FAW wishes to announce that Mr John Toshack, the national team manager, and the association have decided to cease his employment of the post with immediate effect."

Soon after Toshack departed one of the frontrunners, Stoke City boss Tony Pulis, ruled himself out of contention. Two other candidates, Sheffield United manager Gary Speed and Kenny Jackett of Millwall have since also denied an interest in the job.

Some momentum may be building behind appointing former Fulham and Coventry City manager Chris Coleman, however the names of Ryan Giggs, Robbie Savage and John Hartson are also still being floated by Welsh fans. 




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