Wednesday, 22nd September 2010

Liverpool defender Daniel Agger has denied being critical of new boss Roy Hodgson’s playing style after a TV interview following the game against Manchester United seemed to suggest the Dane was unhappy.

Agger has moved quickly to quash the reports and the contents of the interview, insisting that Hodgson is not telling him to play long balls and that, furthermore, he is happy at Anfield under the former Fulham boss.

"I am very disappointed with the papers in Denmark for the way they have done this story," Agger told Liverpool’s official website. "I spoke to Danish TV after the game on Sunday and answered the questions that were put to me. I didn’t speak to the papers.

"The problem was the questions never appeared on TV, only the answers did, and then the newspapers put their own questions in. What came out was one hundred per cent wrong and that is why I am very disappointed."

Agger went on to specifically pinpoint the quote about long balls, aware that this had caused a great degree of concern amongst Liverpool fans brought up on pass-and-move football.

"An example is the quote about me not playing long balls. The TV journalist asked me what I needed to do to get back into the team and suggested I should start hitting more long balls. I said I wouldn’t do that because I’m not that kind of player. That’s where that quote came from.

"I actually think we play good football and that we have showed that against Manchester United and against Arsenal." said the Dane.




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