Thursday, 23rd September 2010

Real Madrid legend Zinedine Zidane has said that he is beginning to see more of himself in young son Enzo. Enzo Zidane, already in Real Madrid’s academy setup, was praised earlier in the year by Los Blancos sporting director Jorge Valdano, who said that he was "his father printed on the pitch".

Now Zidane senior has followed suit and admitted to TV5 that, "in terms of his gestures, when I look at him, I do see myself."

The Real Madrid legend also said that no decision had been made over whether Enzo would represent Spain or France at international level, as talks grows that he will soon be called up to the Under-16 squads of either country. Yet as that has not happened yet, there is no decision to make, which for Zindane senior is good thing.

"To date, Enzo has not been called up by Spain or France. And I think it’s better that way."



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