Friday, 8th October 2010

Manchester United striker Dimitar Berbatov has said he can’t imagine being able to go on playing the game at the highest level for as long as Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville and Paul Scholes. The Bulgarian saluted the trio for their achievement however,

Asked by the club’s website whether he could see himself still turning out at Old Trafford at the age of 35, Berbatov replied: "Me, at 35? No way!"

He continued: "Seriously, though, everyone is different and you have to know your body is giving you the signals to stop. Having been here for two seasons, I know why Giggs, Scholes, Neville have been here for so long and why they are still playing. Here they have the facilities and the coaching staff who know how to prepare you."

Berbatov is currently in form for Manchester United and enjoying a fantastic season. His comments surely mean that when it is time to give up the game, he will take note of those signs, and avoid suffering a steady decline, instead bowing out at the top.



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