Tuesday, 12th October 2010

Liverpool will head to the High Court today as the case to push through the sale of the club begins. The Royal Bank of Scotland are squaring up against Tom Hicks and co. in order to confirm assurances they believe Hicks and co-owner George Gillett gave; namely that chairman Martin Broughton is the only member of the board who can change its composition and thus the current board can proceed with the club’s sale to New England Sports Ventures.

The waters have been muddied somewhat however, due to the emergence into the public eye of Singaporean billionaire Peter Lim. Lim claims he was the preferred bidder until late in the process, when Broughton and Liverpool opted for the US bid instead. Now Lim has signalled a willingness to improve his offer and also expressed bemusement as to why his bid was not selected.

All eyes will be on the London High Court for the next stage of Liverpool’s ownership drama; their case is due to be heard at 10:30am.



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