Sunday, 17th October 2010

Bayern Munich striker Mario Gomez lifted an immense burden off his shoulders yesterday. The goalless striker who had been given the nickname "Gurke" (gherkin) due to his inability to convert chances into goals, scored a hat-trick against Hannover yesterday in the Bundesliga, ending a month-long series of failed attempts.

The 25-year-old, who moved from Stuttgart to Bayern only a year ago, was ecstatic after the game, hinting that he knew that something important was going to happen when he heard that one of the rescued minors in Chile was called Mario Gomez: "I didn’t know that that it would come to this, but I had a very good feeling today. When I heard about it [the mining incident in Chile], I knew that everything would work out well today. It was fate today, it couldn’t have been a coincidence."

Gomez’ goals against Hannover weren’t without controversy however, as the striker was seen directing the ball with his hand prior to his second goal in the match at the Allianz Arena. Undetected by the referee, the striker went on to destroy Hanover’s defence, snatching three desperately needed points for Bayern Munich.



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