Wednesday, 22nd December 2010

Inter President Massimo Moratti has denied reports that he has sacked Rafael Benitez and stated that the Spaniard, for now, is still Nerazzurri coach. Talk has been circulating, especially in England, that Inter have fired Benitez, but Moratti insists that is not true.

In an interview, released on the club’s official website, Moratti states that Benitez is still Inter coach and, furthermore, no other managers have been approached about the position.

Asked about Benitez and whether he was still Inter’s coach, Moratti replied: "Yes, he is. In this precise moment, he’s the Inter coach, unless I’m mistaken.

It was also suggested that Moratti had been thinking of Benitez’s successor, another fact he denied.

"No, there is no-one else. I’ve heard and read about the supposed contact we’ve had with other coaches, but the Club hasn’t contacted anyone and won’t until the current situation is cleared up."


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