Friday, 7th January 2011 

Blackpool manager Ian Holloway has confirmed that he intends to field a weakened side in the club’s FA Cup third round tie at Southampton on Saturday.

Holloway follows a long line of managers of lower to mid-table Premier League sides in judging the maintaining of the club’s status as a top flight club as more important than England’s premier cup competition.

"Our priority all season has been to maintain our status", said Holloway, adding: "With as many games as we’ve got this month, that’s what our focus is."

Holloway insists though that he does have respect for the FA Cup, but feels he has little chance of winning it, even if he was to put out a full strength side.

"It’s a fantastic competition, I’m not going to belittle it. We’d love to win it, but we’ve no chance with the squad we’ve got."


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