Thursday, 27th January 2011 

Liverpool rose to seventh in the Premier League last night thanks to a 1-0 win over Fulham. The Reds had to work hard for their victory which came via an own goal from defender John Pantsil in the second half, but all that mattered was the three points which put Kenny Dalglish’s side in contention for Europe.

Dalglish did admit that Fulham would feel hard done by to have lost, but maintained that Liverpool are still better than their position of seventh now suggests.

"Fulham will be feeling a little bit hard done by – they’ll think they deserved something from the game", Dalglish told the club’s official site. "But there have been many games when we thought we deserved more than we got."

And the Scot is certain that his side can go higher in the league, wanting to be involved at the business end and feeling that is where Liverpool belong.

"I think we are better than that, but things are a bit more realistic. But we’re not getting carried away with the fact we’re seventh. That’s not where this football club wants to be, we want to be higher up than that."


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