Saturday, 5th February 2011 

Fernando Torres has explained that he left Liverpool to join Chelsea because he wants to fight for trophies every year and could not wait for Liverpool to get back to the top.

The Spaniard shocked Liverpool by slapping in a transfer request just days before the January window closed, and ended up making a £50M move to Stamford Bridge in the final hours of the final day for deals to be completed.

The striker explained that he felt "things had changed a lot in the last year" at Anfield, but unfortunately the time required to get Liverpool back up to the top was time Torres felt he did not have.

"I think they have great ambition and they are doing the right things to get back [to the top]", said Torres, "but it will take time. I didn’t have that time."

The former Atletico Madrid man also said that as a fan himself he sometimes struggled to understand why players left his club, but as he matured he understood the reasons.

"When I was an Atletico Madrid fan growing up, I couldn’t understand it when a big player left. But with time I could understand they did the best for themselves, their families and their careers. I’m not asking them [Liverpool fans] to understand me, but I’m sure over time they will see what I did there."


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