Saturday, 5th February 2011 

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson is sure the Old Trafford club are set to benefit from Wayne Rooney getting amongst the goals once again.

Rooney scored twice against Aston Villa in midweek as United beat the Midlands outfit 3-1. The former Everton star had only managed two Premier League goals this season before the brace and Ferguson now expects things to change.

"Hopefully – and there’s every chance with scoring the kind of goals he scored the other night – he’ll take off", Ferguson told United’s official site.

"Goalscorers are like that and hopefully that’s what we’re going to see with Wayne. He’s got 14 league games, European games and FA Cup games – he could easily get a good average."

And Ferguson also praised the fact that, even when not scoring, Rooney shows superb energy and desire throughout the 90 minutes, which leaves the United boss happy.

"What Wayne has always had is fantastic energy to play in a game. He’s always committed to doing his best. The bonus is, as we saw the other night, he got two goals."


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