Friday, 11th February 2011 

Manchester United midfielder Darren Fletcher has warned the club’s Premier League rivals that the Old Trafford side can play at a higher level than they are currently showing.

Fletcher’s words come before what is a crucial Manchester derby tomorrow and victory over Manchester City would go a long way towards helping United win the title.

"We feel we have played well at times this season", said Fletcher to United’s official site in defence of his side, who have been accused of operating below par. "But we expect more – we expect more of ourselves all the time – there’s no ceiling on performance levels here.

"There are a lot of tough games to come and there’s a long way to go to win the league. We definitely feel as though we can play better and hopefully our form improves towards the end of the season, which is when it really matters in the league and the Champions League."

United hold a four-point lead at the top of the Premier League currently, but have trips to both Chelsea and Liverpool to come in the next few weeks.


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