Saturday, 12th February 2011 

Former Juventus midfielder Edgar Davids has stated his belief that the current Barcelona side is the best team in the world at present and represent footballing perfection.

Davids, who also played for AC Milan and enjoyed a brief spell at the Camp Nou in the 2003/04 campaign, has lavished praise not just on the team, but also on the institution of Barca.

"It’s the best club in the world", said Davids when asked for his opinion on the current Barcelona side. 

"If there’s a team that reflects the perfection of football, that’s [Josep] Guardiola’s team."

And Davids, who had a long and illustrious career, filled with silverware, pointed to his short time at the Camp Nou as one of the highlights of his playing days.

"I have great memories of this shirt, it was an unforgettable moment in my career."


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