Monday, 14th February 2011 

Udinese’s tough-tackling midfielder Gokhan Inler has denied signing an agreement to join Napoli in the summer, but nevertheless the Swiss star looks set to be the subject of much demand.

Inler has long been linked with a move to Napoli, with the southern Italian club known to be big fans of the 26-year-old. The Swiss star was also rumoured to be closely interesting English Premier League side Liverpool earlier in the season too.

"I do not know anything", said Inler to Sky Sport when questioned about rumours that he had already signed with Napoli for next season, "and I have not signed anything. I think only about playing for my team."

It would though be a surprise if Udinese were able to keep hold of Inler into the 2011/12 campaign, although securing Champions League football could go a long way towards helping.


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