Saturday, 19th February 2011 

Panathinaikos defender Jean-Alain Boumsong has sent out the rallying cry to his team-mates ahead of their crucial Greek Super League match with Olympiacos later today – a derby he places just underneath the Celtic-Rangers battle in Scotland.

It is a game the Greens simply must win if they are to retain any hope whatsoever of overhauling their bitter Athens rivals at the top of the league table, a fact Boumsong is only too aware of.

"We are seven points behind Olympiacos. If we do not win this match, the title is lost", said the Frenchman, adding: "We must win!"

And Boumsong compared the derby between the two Athens clubs as akin to the Celtic and Rangers derby in Scotland, where he turned out for the Ibrox side before moving to Newcastle, although the Old Firm game gets his slight vote as the hottest derby.

"I think the Old Firm derby between Celtic and Rangers is the hottest. Newcastle-Sunderland was not bad either. Olympiacos-PAO is violent and it feels very aggressive.", explained the defender.


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