Thursday, 24th February, 2011 

Napoli owner Aurelio De Laurentiis has slammed reports that he is thinking of selling exciting Uruguayan Edinson Cavani. The forward has helped to shoot the southern Italian side into the Serie A title race and has understandably attracted interest from some of Europe’s biggest clubs.

Asked about the future of Cavani if big-money bids arrive, De Laurentiis pondered the possibility, before dismissing the option of selling the player.

"What will I do if I receive a super offer for Cavani?", said the Napoli owner. "I would say thank you and good bye."

And the Napoli supremo also revealed his desire to mould Napoli into a Barcelona-like style team, believing that it takes time to establish a club at the very highest level.

"Four years ago we were not even in the European rankings, three years ago we were in 300th place, now we are in 29th, that means we have worked well. The next step will be building a Barcelona-style team, that will be able to win but by playing well."


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