Friday, 11th January, 2013

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger admits he would be pleased to have Celtic and Rangers in English football, but believes it could destroy the Scottish game were the Gers, along with the Hoops, to make the move.

The idea of Celtic and Rangers joining the English game is something which has often been floated, with both sides failing to fully reach their potential in the relative pond of Scotland.

And it has gained fresh impetus recently, with new proposals to restructure Scottish football not going down well with Rangers, who are now actively looking at alternative leagues to play in.

Wenger has great respect for the Ibrox giants and their rivals in Glasgow, and admits he would be happy to see them in England, though he worries that a move for the pair would badly damage football north of the border.


Asked about Celtic and Rangers in England, Wenger told his club’s official site: "Yes [I would welcome them] but you would not want to destroy Scottish football and Rangers and Celtic in England would destroy the Scottish game."

It remains to be seen whether there is any movement on allowing Celtic and Rangers to play in England, or whether in fact an ‘Atlantic League’ containing clubs from Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Scandinavia is a more realistic way forward.

Rangers do though clearly want to exit the Scottish game at present, while Celtic may also feel their development has been constrained.

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