Thursday, 31st January, 2013

Tottenham Hotspur are eyeing a deadline day-beating move for Lyon striker Lisandro Lopez.

According to French sports daily L’Equipe, Spurs have approached Lyon about taking the Argentine hitman on loan until the end of the season.

Such a deal does not sit well with Lyon though, who have already rejected a loan offer from Juventus.

Les Gones would be open to selling Lopez though, as they bid to cut costs and the financing of a new stadium takes priority.


The ball looks set to be placed in Tottenham’s court and Andre Villas-Boas will have to decide whether to make a cash bid for the player.

Despite denials, Spurs look to be scouring the market for another striker.

Lopez joined Lyon in 2009 from FC Porto for €24M.

The 29-year-old would surely relish the chance to move to White Hart Lane and bolster Tottenham’s attacking options, though it is not clear if a deal can be done before the window slams shut.

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