Wednesday, 13th February, 2013

Danish midfielder Mark Kongstedt has admitted that he is in contact with an English Premier League club over a potential move.

The 18-year-old had been turning out for Danish side FC Fyn, but they were declared bankrupt and dissolved on 31st January.

For Kongstedt, the future still looks bright however, despite the fact that there have been a few bumps on the road so far.

The midfielder had headed to England to train with the unnamed Premier League side that were keen on him, but unluckily suffered an injury during the first day of his trial. After consulting the with the club, it was decided Kongstedt should head home to recover.

The door though is still open, as the 18-year-old explained to


"We still have contact with the English club, so I cannot say too much about them", he said.

"Everyone of course dreams of playing in England, but right now I’m waiting on a message from them.

"My feeling is that they would like to look at me a little more closely before they decide anything."

And if that should not work out, Kongstedt still has options in his native Denmark.

"I have received a number of enquiries.

"I am still old enough for the Under-19 league and I am talking to different clubs about the possibility. But I am also talking with a pair of first division clubs."

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