Monday, 18th November, 2013

Former Germany legend Andreas Moller has warned the current side to expect a backs-to-the-wall night at Wembley against a "strong and promising" England side.

It was Moller's penalty kick that sent England crashing out of Euro 96, and the former Juventus and Borussia Dortmund midfielder still rates that game at the very top of his career.


England will take on Germany tomorrow night at Wembley, and though the latter cruised through World Cup qualifying with nine wins and a draw, Moller is not one to take a win for granted.

"We’ve done well at Wembley in recent years, but England are in the middle of a promising rebuilding process", Moller told FIFA's website.


"They’re regrouping and putting together a strong national team. They’ll push us all the way and it’ll be tough.

"But it’s a terrific challenge for Joachim Low’s players, because these are the kind of matches you look back on with pleasure after you finish playing."

Moller had been captain of Germany on the decisive night in 1996, though the 1990 World Cup winner missed the final due to a booking.

However, he added of the game: "[It] was one of the highlights of my career. We beat England on penalties and went through to the final.

"I recall national coach Berti Vogts approaching me three days before the match and saying I would be captaining the team at Wembley because Jurgen Klinsmann couldn’t play and I was the most capped player in the team at the time.

"It was a huge honour for me, especially because it was on the sacred turf at Wembley."

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