Former Chelsea star Craig Burley is of the view that it would be a mistake to try and resume the Premier League season in the current climate and is now in favour of scrapping the campaign.

The Premier League has been pushing forward with their plans to resume the season next month despite a growing number of voices against the idea.  


There are already examples of league seasons getting cancelled, in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and Sergio Aguero has already voiced concerns on behalf of players with young families about playing.

A number of Premier League clubs are also opposed to the idea of playing at neutral venues, which is being considered as part of the Premier League’s ‘Project Restart’ plans.

Burley has added his voice to the growing number of people against the Premier League’s plans and feels it would be wrong to force the season to resume in the current climate.

He wants the season to be scrapped and feels the Premier League must focus on starting the 2020/21 campaign.

The former Blue took to Twitter and wrote: “Can’t see a feasible pathway for the Premier League this season.

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“It’s folly to try and play the games in the current climate.

“Scrap the season and concentrate on 2020/21 and a way forward financially for all involved.”

The Premier League is watching developments in Germany closely, where clubs are hoping to restart the Bundesliga this month.