Southampton have been told that one of their loan stars does not want to go back to England is waiting for his exit from Saints to be sorted out.


Russell Martin’s side are back in the top flight and have to thrash out the future of a number of their players.


Striker Paul Onuachu, who spent last term on loan at Trabzonspor, is one of the players who wants a decision over his future and his agent is clear what his client wants.



Trabzonspor have been working on a deal to take him back and have even made an offer to Southampton to seal the move.


Agreeing a deal with Saints is proving to be difficult for Trabzonspor, but Onuachu is waiting and hoping to see it happen.



His agent is clear that Onuachu does not want to go back to England and wants to remain in Turkey with Trabzonspor.


The ultimate decision will have to be taken by the two involved teams though as they decide on the nature of the deal.



“We will meet and talk with Paul soon”, Onuachu’s agent told Turkish outlet Sports Digitale.


“He wants Trabzonspor. He loves Turkey. He does not want to go to England.


“We are waiting for Southampton because they [Trabzonspor] have to agree move with Southampton over a possible loan or a permanent deal.”


Besiktas and Saints’ sister club in Turkey, Goztepe, have also been floated as possible options for the striker in Turkey.