Former Rangers attacker Gordon Dalziel has admitted he does not know where Kemar Roofe goes after yet another injury setback for the Gers.


Roofe got an opportunity to start against St. Johnstone on Wednesday night after a few substitute appearances in Europe, in the league and in the Scottish League Cup final last weekend.


However, the forward had to be taken off after 16 minutes after he suffered another injury setback on the pitch.




The 30-year-old forward’s career at Rangers has been deeply affected by injuries and he has already missed a large chunk of the ongoing campaign due to being on the sidelines.


Dalziel conceded that he felt sorry for the forward last night after he was taken off as he clearly looked disappointed and dejected after suffering another injury.



But with his contract expiring at the end of the season, the former Rangers star is not sure where Roofe goes from here in terms of his future at the club.


Dalziel said on Clyde 1’s Superscoreboard: “I felt sorry for Roofe last night.



“I think it’s now a case of where does he go from here?


“It’s been one setback after another.


“15 or 16 minutes on the clock, he is off the pitch and you could see the disappointment on the lad’s face.”


Roofe was considered a promising attacking talent during his time at Leeds United and earned a move to Anderlecht, but injuries affected his stint in Belgium.


Rangers also lost John Lundstram to an injury in the 2-0 win over St. Johnstone at Ibrox.