Wednesday, 5th February, 2014

Liverpool first team coach Mike Marsh has hailed Steven Gerrard as "world-class" and believes the club captain can excel in any position in which he is deployed.

Gerrard is consistently being fielded in a deeper midfield role, with responsibility for protecting the Reds' backline and giving impetus to new attacking moves.

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The Liverpool captain has had mixed reviews in his new role, but Marsh is sure that he can master it, due to his sheer quality.

"He's a world-class player", Marsh explained to LFC TV.


"He has played in numerous positions before and it's another string to his bow.

"It's a position that's not new to him as he's played there on a number of occasions, particularly for England, so I think he'll only get better at it."

Gerrard has clocked up 20 Premier League appearances for Liverpool so far this season, chipping in with six goals and seven assists, as the Reds put in a serious tilt at a top four spot.

The midfielder is under contract until 2015 at Anfield.

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