Rangers assistant manager David Weir has revealed that it was deliberate decision on his team's part to play a friendly against Linfield during the international break.

The match in Belfast on Saturday will spoil the chances of the players getting a break going into next weekend's high profile clash against Celtic.

However, Weir is one who is not unhappy with what his team have arranged, insisting that the match against the Northern Irish side will give them the right kind of opportunity to prepare for future games.

The match, according to the 46-year-old, will give the Rangers fans the opportunity to see the relatively new players and cheer for them.

“It’s a conscious decision from us to get a game, and Linfield are ideal opposition", Weir told his club's official website.  


"It will be competitive with a good crowd and it will be an environment wherein it will be a proper game.

“We have a lot of friends over there and we want to go over and see the fans over there as well.

"It’s a good opportunity to professionally get the kind of game we need and also to go and see our fans and introduce them to a few of the new players."

Thanking Northern Irish supporters for their contribution towards Rangers and the loyalty they have shown, the assistant manager insisted that it will be the right kind of opportunity to repay the fans, while also giving the team the chance to prepare.

“Their loyalty over the last few years and the way they have helped the club has been really important, and it’s good for us to have the opportunity to repay that and to show our thanks, allied to the importance of having a game that is competitive and gives us what we need for the games coming up.”