Former Premier League midfielder Craig Burley wants to see Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta sent to the stands for constantly wandering outside his technical area.


Arteta has been a regular offender in straying outside of his technical area and once again went outside the regulated box in Arsenal’s 3-1 win over Liverpool in the Premier League.


Burley thinks Arteta is one of a number of managers who are guilty of coming outside their technical areas on a regular basis and wants to see him punished.




He believes that Arteta is the worst offender and should be sent to the stands by the referee in order to police the rules properly.


“While we’re at it, managers need sent to the stands for continuously overstepping their technical area”, the former Premier League star wrote on X.



“Not just Arteta but he’s the worst. 


“There’s either a technical area or there’s not. Start policing it ffs!”



Arteta has been criticised from a number of quarters for regularly going outside his technical area and it remains to be seen if the match officials will clamp down.