Juventus held a fresh summit on Wednesday to discuss a new contract for Aston Villa and Tottenham Hotspur target Andrea Cambiaso.


The 24-year-old left-back has had a breakout season at Juventus and has turned heads with his performances for the Old Lady.


Aston Villa have been keeping close tabs on the full-back with a view to taking him to the Midlands and he has also emerged on the radar of Tottenham.



Juventus would prefer to hold on to the player and are keen to offer him a new contract with improved wages.


His agents recently met the Juventus hierarchy to discuss Cambiaso’s future and, according to Italian daily Gazzetta dello Sport (via TuttoJuve), the club held more conversations on Wednesday.



Juventus remain committed to trying to hold on to the defender despite interest from the Premier League.


They want the new deal to reflect Cambiaso’s progress this season as part of their plans ahead of the summer.



However, a sale has not been ruled out as well with suggestions that an offer of €40m for him could arrive for the defender from the Premier League.