Wednesday, 5th February, 2014

Borussia Dortmund striker Robert Lewandowski had been a wanted man at Arsenal at one point of time, with Gunners goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny playing the role of messenger.

Lewandowski is poised to join Bayern Munich this summer, after recently confirming the deal was done.

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However, the months prior to that had been filled with speculation that Lewandowski could somehow move to the Premier League after he himself expressed his admiration.

As it turns out, Arsenal had been using their Champions League clash in Germany not just for improving their win-ratio.


When asked if he had been spoken to about Arsenal by his Poland team-mate, Lewandowski told Fakt: "Yes, we spoke about it a few times.

"There were no [documents to sign for me], but we spoke a few times. Actually, Wojciech spoke constantly about it.

"I just listened. He told me what it is like at Arsenal, how Arsene Wenger sees my role there.

"Before the Champions League game, Arsenal trained here and some important people from the club were at our training."

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