The 24-year-old has just returned to action after recovering from a fractured toe, but is yet to get back to his best following that injury.


Calvert-Lewin insists that he is still in the process of getting back to his best but is not getting frustrated with himself because he knows that his fitness and sharpness will increase.



For now he wants to keep getting in the right areas and continue doing the work because he knows that in spite of the current goal drought he will eventually get his previous goalscoring form back.


“The injury was so frustrating because I started the season so well and I was in a good moment”, Calvert-Lewin told his club’s official channel.



“To re-injure the same leg three times, it was soul-destroying at points, and it takes you to the depths of a mental battle.


“It’s difficult seeing the boys play and you feel so far away. I’d feel close to coming back and then I was sidelined again.



“You have to dig deep and show courage and character. I feel I’m now a stronger person and a stronger player and off the back of that, I’ll return to a top level.


“I’ve been training consistently for a couple of weeks. Now, I feel physically a lot better and much more confident in my body.


“I hold high standards for myself and when you’re not quite at that level that you expect, it can become frustrating.


“I’m trying not to get too frustrated with myself.


“The fitness and sharpness will come and I just need to keep getting in the right areas, doing the work, and I’m sure the goals will follow.”


Everton will be banking on Calvert-Lewin returning to his best as they try to climb away from relegation trouble; the Toffees are just four points clear of the drop zone at present.