Monday, 28th January, 2013

Aston Villa forward Andreas Weimann believes that beating Newcastle tomorrow evening could turn the club’s season around.

At present Paul Lambert’s men are firmly in crisis, having been dumped out of the League Cup by League Two side Bradford City, knocked out of the FA Cup by Championship club Millwall and sitting just one point and one place above the relegation zone in the Premier League.

Newcastle, who visit Villa Park tomorrow, are just one point and one place above Aston Villa, making the clash all the more crucial.

And Weimann believes that if Aston Villa can win it, their season can turn.


"We have to just keep going, stick together through this and it will start to turn", he told his club’s official site.

"Hopefully if we get one win it will show that we can do it and things will start to turn. We will keep going as a team.

"At the moment it is just not going for us. Hopefully it is going to turn soon and start on Tuesday. All we need is a win, because we haven’t won for a while now. Hopefully if we can do that it will turn."

The Austrian is also under no illusions about the sheer size of the match against Alan Pardew’s Magpies.

"It’s a massive game for us.

"They have signed a few players but we are going to go for it on Tuesday. It’s a massive game and hopefully we are going to get the win and it will turn for us."

Both Aston Villa and Newcastle are having seasons to forget and it is entirely possible that one of the two will not be in the Premier League next season, such has been their rapid decline.

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