Abramovich has sought to step back from Chelsea by handing over the care of the club to their foundation amidst political pressure on him in the UK following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


But it emerged on Tuesday evening that the Chelsea owner is likely to receive bids to sell the club by the end of the week.



And it has been claimed that Wyss, 86, is one of the billionaires who are considering buying Chelsea from the Russian.


He claimed that the Chelsea owner is keen to sell off the club as soon as possible.



However, he admitted that given the money Chelsea owe Abramovich at the moment, the Russian is asking for too much from potential buyers.


The Swiss billionaire admitted that he received a proposal to buy Chelsea this week, but claimed that he will only consider it if he can build a consortium of several investors.



Wyss told Swiss daily Blick: “Abramovich is trying to sell all his villas in England, he also wants to get rid of Chelsea quickly.


“I and three other people received an offer on Tuesday to buy Chelsea from Abramovich.


“I have to wait four to five days now. Abramovich is currently asking too much. You know Chelsea owe him £2bn but they have no money.


“It means, those who buy Chelsea will have to compensate Abramovich.


“As of now, we don’t know the exact selling price.


“I can well imagine starting at Chelsea with partners. But I have to examine the general terms first.


“But what can I already say, I am definitely not doing something like this alone. If buy Chelsea, then it will be with a consortium of six to seven investors.”


It remains to be seen whether Chelsea will change hands soon.