Everton star Ben Godfrey has picked out manager Sean Dyche for praise, revealing how supportive he has been through a tough phase, providing him with constructive criticism.


The 26-year-old defender found his chances limited initially with his only league appearance before the middle of December coming as a late second-half substitute against Sheffield United in September.


He has found his way back to the team though and credits Dyche for having stood by him over the course of the tough period.




The former Burnley boss, Godfrey feels, has made him feel part of the group despite not giving him minutes on the pitch.


“He’s been supportive through what is a tough period of not playing as much, whether that’s being complimentary about how I have been training or in the games I have had he has been encouraging”, Godfrey told his club’s official website.



“Obviously, he is there to help and give constructive criticism to get the best out of you as well, but he has been really supportive over the past six months and made me really feel part of the group, despite not having many minutes.


“That has been good for me.”


The England international is now keeping himself ready to perform whenever he gets a chance for the Toffees.



“For me, it is purely being ready to perform every time I get my chance, and keep helping the boys as much as I can because as a group we just want to keep putting points on the board.”


Godfrey will still have a year left on his contract when the 2023/24 season ends in May. 


It remains to be seen if Everton will offer him a fresh deal in the coming months.